May 24, 2020

Screen Shot 2020 05 22 At 12.31.34 AmSince the Bingo balls are numbered 1 through 75, I guess that makes the Free Space number … 0?  But zero = nothing!  See? We proved it! Nothing in life is Free. When you play Bingo, everyone gets the middle space … for Free!  But … the question is: Is it really “free” if everyone gets the middle space?

Since the Bingo balls are numbered 1-75, I guess that makes the Free Space number...0? But zero = nothing! See? We proved it! Nothing in life is Free.


Some of you may have heard that because of concerns about spreading the coronavirus, the Bandwagon Bingo Hall is set to close.

Is St. Martin of Tours Bingo coming to an end?  Not if Ken Harangozo, Larry Skaggs, and I can help it! Our Bingo has lasted 35 years. Even if we are prevented for a few months, here’s our goal: “Open up Bingo again!” 

Along with some others affected (for example, St. Mark’s situation is similar to ours) we are being proactive, looking for other venues for our Bingo.  Once we do, we will need to wait for the go-ahead from the State, the County, and the Archdiocese.

We would like to thank sincerely all the hard workers and Bingo supporters over the years. We will keep you informed of any developments.


Pastor's Pen


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