December 15, 2019

Dear St. Martin of Tours Parishioners,

Here is something interesting which applies to this coming week.  

The Seven Days before Christmas

Each evening from December 17 and 23, wherever Evening Prayer is prayed, each antiphon (a verse sung or recited before and after the Magnificat) addresses a different title of the Messiah.  Each begins with the letter “O” (for example, “O, Wisdom, come,” or “O, Lord, come”) so we call these the O Antiphons): Seven days to anticipate Christ’s coming!

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In Christ,

signature Waldman


Pastor's Pen

May 14, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

Many of us have a friend or a loved one who is an unbeliever in...Read more

April 30, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Parish Family & Friends,

Of the four gospels, the first three (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) are called “Synoptic...Read more