May 9, 2021

Dear Humans,

Screen Shot 2021 05 06 At 7.43.22 PmDad wants me to talk about what it means for me to be thankful. He says that I am a good boy and a good model for what it means to be thankful. So I will tell you what thankfulness means to me.

First, it means that I rely on my Daddy for everything. I use my voice, my eyes, my paws, and my nose to let him know what I need. The only time I do things on my own is when I am being a bad boy! Do you rely on your Daddy for everything, too? That’s great! Or, do you try to do it your way? I hope not! That would make you a bad boy.

Without me, you can do nothing,” says Jesus. (John 15:5)

Second, it means when Daddy does something nice for me, which is all the time, I make certain to give him some sign of thanks, such as a kiss, an excited tail wag, a paw, or a smile. I think it’s important to thank him for everything!

In all things, give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:13)

Third, if I need something, I ask him. It’s amazing how well-trained Daddy is! He has learned to speak my language! He knows when I want to go out, when I want to play, when I want to go to the church – all kinds of things. So I always ask him.

Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:11)

Finally, even when I don’t need anything, I hang out with my Daddy and make sure I spend a lot of time just with him. I even sleep in his bed. It makes him happy, and so I am happy, too, because making Daddy happy makes me happy.

The Lord takes delight in those who revere him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.” (Psalm 147:11)



Pastor's Pen

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Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

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