September 28, 2019


Screen Shot 2019 09 25 At 9.58.31 Amlies in front of me curled up before the fire, as so many dogs must have lain before so many fires. I sit on one side of that hearth, as so many men must have sat by so many hearths.

Somehow this creature has completed my manhood; somehow, I cannot explain why, a man ought to have a dog. A man ought to have six legs; those other four legs are part of him.

Our alliance is older than any of the passing and priggish explanations that are offered of either of us; before evolution was, we were.

You can find it written in a book that I am a mere survival of a squabble of anthropoid apes; and perhaps I am. I am sure I have no objection.

But my dog knows I am a man, and you will not find the meaning of that word written in any book as clearly as it is written in his soul.”

- G. K. Chesterton, taken from his “On Keeping a Dog,”  originally written as a newspaper essay in 1909, later reprinted in Lunacy and Letters (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1958).




Pastor's Pen


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Dash's Den

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Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

In addition to a National Anthem our nation also has a National Hymn. The composer...Read more

May 28, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

This past week, the news broke about Sr. Wilhelmina, the foundress of the Benedictine Sisters...Read more

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