September 6, 2020

Dear St. Martin of Tours Parishioners,

Screen Shot 2020 09 02 At 8.16.36 PmNow that the rains have subsided just a bit, I think we’ve fixed the roof leak on the west interior of the church.

My hypothesis for what has occurred brings me back to the good old days of my undergraduate structural engineering course: With the intense rain, the water crept up the exterior concrete wall (capillary action), found its way through a microscopic crack between the concrete and metal flashing, tunneled through microscopic stress fractures inside the concrete beam (don’t worry, all concrete beams have them), until the water emerged on the other side of the concrete wall.

[The leak pattern is a textbook example of the parabolic shape which stress fractures make in a beam supported by a round column.]

So, we’ll see if my hypothesis holds. I never thought my architecture degrees would come in this handy, but if I’m right we will have mercifully saved the parish a good chunk of money.

Which is very helpful because we are still in the process of establishing a new venue for Bingo. Things look hopeful, but a prayer or two might help. In the meantime, I am humbled by your generosity to Saint Martin of Tours.

Also, please, if you see some people in our school building, greet them warmly. As of September 8, the John Paul II Preparatory School South Campus branch will be using the second floor. They’ll be on campus Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Ambleside Christian Academy will be using the first floor Wednesdays.

Finally, I beg your patience as we search for an administrative assistant to handle the business of the parish office.


Pastor's Pen

May 14, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

Many of us have a friend or a loved one who is an unbeliever in...Read more

April 30, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Parish Family & Friends,

Of the four gospels, the first three (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) are called “Synoptic...Read more