August 21, 2022

Dear St. Martin of Tours Parishioners,

Here is the summary of your constructive feedback to our last “All Things New” survey for our parish.
I personally read all the surveys and their comments. Listed below are the most common concerns in order of
frequency. At our next Parish Council Meeting, we not only address these suggestions but also find ways to
implement them as soon as we can. You’ll notice, as a positive tandem to these suggestions to get these very
good suggestions up and running, we will need greater participation from our St. Martin of Tours Parish
Family: that means you. We will have six new ways (potentially at least) to help our parish and community.

Thank you for your participation. I am always here for you with open ears and an open heart.


signature Waldman

Summary for Question #1 - Evangelization:

What do you think are the top priorities for evangelization in your parish that should be invested in moving forward? (i.e. youth ministry, family ministry, young adult ministry, marriage ministry etc...)

  1. "Needs & Services": Parishioners helping parishioners
  2. Small Faith Prayer and Study Groups
  3. Greater Awareness of Christ in the Eucharist

Summary for Question #2 - Social Outreach

What do you think are the top priorities/opportunities for your parish to provide outreach in your community? (i.e. food pantry, service projects, St. Vincent de Paul etc...)

  1. Outreach to non-Catholics and unchurched Catholics
  2. Collaboration with other Christian/Catholic churches
  3. Better outreach to our homebound

Pastor's Pen

June 4, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

When I read the letter from the Archbishop at the end of last Saturday’s Mass,...Read more

May 20, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

Pentecost commemorates the moment, fifty days after Easter, when the Holy Spirit was sent by...Read more

Dash's Den

Good Stuff For Lent or Anytime

We have a wonderful resource of study for Scripture, Church teaching, Church history, and all sorts of docu- mentaries on saints, professionally made. It’s...Read more

February 20, 2022

Is it really unconditional love? While I have no doubts that my dog loves me, I do have my doubts that his love for...Read more