February 23, 2020

Dear St. Martin of Tours Parishioners,

Suddenly, Ash Wednesday is upon us. What should my Lenten penance be? I share the following tips with you because I am an expert at Lenten penances – especially in the failure of keeping them.

  1. I think there are two kinds of penance: the kind where you deprive yourself of something (such as sugar in your coffee), or the kind where you add some positive practice (such as attending Daily Mass).
  2. Which to choose? If there is something in your life that you feel is preventing you from loving God, others, or yourself, then it would be a good idea to try to abstain from whatever that is (for example, cigarettes, your smartphone, the 10 p.m. refrigerator raid). But if you feel that you aren’t so much held back by some vice, but rather you sense you need to do something more, something new, something that could help you love God, others, or yourself (yes, yourself!) more, then you ought to add something new during Lent.
  3. The penance must be measurable. I recall one year a friend told me he was going to attempt to be wiser during Lent. I told him, “Brandon, I think you already failed.” How in the world do you become “wiser”? Try again, Brandon.
  4. The penance must be achievable. “I promise not to judge anyone.” That’s going to be very difficult I would say! Perhaps the more modest – “I promise not to say anything unkind about anyone or to gossip.” –that’s a great one, actually, that is more realistic.
  5. The penance must be something you won’t forget. If you are giving up something tangible (alcohol, internet), you have an easier time since the offering of a drink ought to remind you; or you can put a sticky note on the computer. But what about abstention from gossip or morning prayers? You have to be creative. You need a strategy to focus. It could be an alarm on your phone, a slated and set time every day, the addition of a ring on your finger, the placement of the lower half of a bite guard in your mouth (this works for gossip and cussing very well), a bell on your dog’s collar.
  6. Finally, always start the day with a prayer for strength to do your penance, and put what your penance is in the prayer. Place a note in the middle of your shaving mirror or in the way of some other place that is essential to your morning routine. Focus. We must start the day with a clear focus.

I wish you a grace-filled Lent!

signature Waldman


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