October 20, 2019

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Dear My Human Friends,

I get so very excited when Daddy picks me up from day camp, that I go crazy! When I see him, my brain (which I am told is the size and shape of a large lemon) lights up like a Christmas Tree! That’s because Daddy is my entire world. I want him with me all the time.

So, how many of you get just as excited when you see Jesus in the Eucharist? Actually, how can you not get as excited? Isn’t Jesus your everything? Doesn’t he guard you and help you and feed you? I know that he doesn’t give you everything you want, but neither does my Dad–

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But I still love him!

Does your brain light up like a Christmas Tree when you see Jesus?



Pastor's Pen

June 4, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

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Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

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Dash's Den

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