October 27, 2019

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family,

Though we did not get the grant to fix the organ, we are still waiting upon the grant request to paint the interior of the church.

However, whether we do or do not get the grant, we will be painting the church interior.

The goal is to restore the church’s color scheme to its original: light blue walls, with the columns being white.

At the same time the church is painted (I hope within the next nine months), the new star lights will be installed (seven out of twelve have been paid for – we are still open for new sponsorships!), and the circular skylight which used to be above the altar will be opened up again. Also the lights along the side aisles will be removed and replaced with recessed lighting. The end effect should be a more harmonious and brighter interior.

In just 15 days, on Monday November 11, which falls this year on Veterans’ Day, our parish will be celebrating its 80th anniversary with a Mass at 9 a.m. (Recall that for national holidays, masses are held at 9 a.m. instead of 8 a.m.). I hope you can join us in thanking St. Martin of Tours for 80 years of blessings.

Moreover, in just 19 days, in the evening of Friday November 15, from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m., our parish will be celebrating its 80th anniversary with a party at Genesis. If you haven’t registered for the free dinner, please phone the office. There are a few spaces still available.

Also, new hats and shirts to celebrate the occasion of our 80th anniversary are being made. They should be ready in a few weeks. They are of very high quality so you’ll need to pay for them, but I think they’re pretty awesome (if I don’t say so myself!).

I will be taking the next few weeks off from writing Pastor’s Pens to work on another project which will take a lot of my literary energy. I will return after Thanksgiving.

In the meantime, this space will be occupied by other things which I hope will be either amusing or edifying or both.

In Christ,

Father Waldman Signature


Pastor's Pen

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Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

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