September 1, 2019

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Dear Humans,

I learned a valuable lesson last week.

Screen Shot 2019 09 05 At 7.15.11 PmIt didn't take me long to learn that Daddy's food was much tastier than my food. I let Daddy know that I wanted his food. First  I jumped up to take the food. That didn't work. Second, I tried sitting and begging. That worked! Even to this day he lets me eat just a bit of whatever it is he is eating.

Until a few days ago, his food always tasted better than mine. Then Daddy started to eat celery as a snack food. Daddy says celery helps him feel full. I, of course, wanted to eat what he was eating, so Daddy let me eat some celery. At first I was excited! I crunched and chewed and ate some. Bleh! I tried some more. Bleh! I spit it out. After a few tries, I realized that this time, I don't want Daddy's food! I want my food!

Screen Shot 2019 09 05 At 7.14.44 PmI think Daddy and I are alike in many ways. But we each have our own tastes and interests. You can love someone and not necessarily love all the people and things that the person loves. It's okay to say "I don't like what you like." But it's also necessary that the other person will let you have your own distinct tastes and honor them. For instance, I really like these Milk Bones...

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Pastor's Pen

June 4, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

When I read the letter from the Archbishop at the end of last Saturday’s Mass,...Read more

May 20, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

Pentecost commemorates the moment, fifty days after Easter, when the Holy Spirit was sent by...Read more

Dash's Den

Good Stuff For Lent or Anytime

We have a wonderful resource of study for Scripture, Church teaching, Church history, and all sorts of docu- mentaries on saints, professionally made. It’s...Read more

February 20, 2022

Is it really unconditional love? While I have no doubts that my dog loves me, I do have my doubts that his love for...Read more