April 17, 2021

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

Screen Shot 2021 04 16 At 8.26.08 PmAs you are all aware, Father Noah has taken a well-deserved break and is resting up so he can come back to us with more energy and more of his profound homilies. We are all so blessed to share such a loving priest that cares so deeply about his people and his dog.

When I interviewed with Father for my job, Dashy was at Rosie’s. We didn’t get to meet but I heard nothing but “howling” stories about this black dog. Upon arrival at the rectory a few weeks later, I quickly learned who was in charge! He wants to know who is at the door every time that doorbell rings and he wants to give the approval on who is entering. We are both a bit bossy and want to be in control but he usually wins.

Dash is a very vocal hound as you all well know but there is also a side of him that is so sweet and gentle. When I arrive at work each morning the rectory is very quiet. After he gets all his stretches in, Dash will mosey down the steps to give me my morning kiss and wait to get his morning belly rub. But Dash then quickly kicks into the rectory watchdog and goes about doing his business for the day and protecting his Father.

These two boys have become a big part of my life and I am ever so thankful for this opportunity to serve as the church secretary or “administrative assistant” as Father refers to me and also as Dash’s day companion. When Father is out of the rectory, Dash is usually at my feet or on his bed in my office. Makes me feel like home. Have a great week and God Bless!



Pastor's Pen

July 9, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

To deepen our love of Jesus, the most important thing we can do is to...Read more

June 25, 2023

Dear St. Martin of Tours Family and Friends,

It's hard to believe that we are coming to the end of things here at...Read more

Dash's Den

May 15, 2022

Dear Humans ~

It’s Sunday evening in the church. We have Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus is with us. Even...Read more

April 24, 2022

Dear Humans,

I heard a word that’s new to me: “SHARE!” Daddy said that word to me a few times lately, once when...Read more